Youth Ministries
Teen Outreach
The Teen Outreach Committee was created as a way for the teen members of St. Elizabeth's Church to reach out to the community. We raise money for different organizations and use to take part in different activities hosted by organizations.
Helping those who are less fortunate through outreach is an important part of the church mission, and the opportunity to learn and serve will yield positive benefits to both those individuals and organizations benefitted as well as teen outreach members. In addition, the teens in the congregation who choose to participate will learn valuable life lessons and experience.
Some sample events include Family Promise of Bergen County "Hike or Bike" at Van Neste Square, Ridgewood. Members of the St. Elizabeth's Teen Outreach Committee participate in this event to benefit homeless families in Bergen County. The Family Promise Network provides temporary shelter for working, homeless families with dependent children while they confront the issues that contributed to their homelessness. Please see the brochure posted on the Outreach bulletin board outside of the parish office for further information.
Soles 4 Souls The Teen Outreach Committee collects shoe donations and gets them ready for pick-up by the supporting organization. Donations of unused or underutilized footwear to this very worthwhile charity can be placed in the basket located in the West Corridor of the Parish House.
Youth Mission Trip
Leftover Halloween Candy collection for the military.
Help with Social Service Association's Thanksgiving Food Drive. Teens help sort and organize Thanksgiving food for needy families.
For additional information please contact Stacy Hughes, Melissa Von Summer or Kristen Dickson through the church office (201) 444-2299 or
Young People's Fellowship (YPF)
YPF is a youth group for grades 6 and 7 that encourages growth in two ways. First, its monthly parties give sixth and seventh graders social gatherings where they can enjoy fellowship while practicing consideration for others, social skills, and leadership skills. Second, the parties allow them to build the type of caring community that will make their experience in the eighth-grade Confirmation program especially rewarding. They develop friendships not only with one another but also with the Adult Advisors. Each YPF-er is welcome to bring a guest to any YPF party.