How you can donate and help OUR Church
We welcome your online donation, whether it is your recurring pledge payment or one-time charitable gift. You can donate online by credit card or electronic check via our secure online donation portal.
Each year St. Elizabeth’s sets aside a time in the fall to ask parishioners to consider their personal ministry of stewardship. Stewardship is about living and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ by using all the gifts we have each been given by God. We ask our fellow parishioners to spend time thinking and praying about the many ways in which God has blessed our lives and how we can express our faith by giving back of our time, talent and treasure. We are a church with a rich range of ministries, programs and ways to connect with one another and God. To succeed in this mission, your financial support and participation in these ministries is critical.
You can fill out the online pledge commitment form by clicking the button below.
ways you can Pledge:
Please download, fill out, print and sign our 2025 Pledge Card, available below. You can return it to the Church Office in person, or you can scan it and email it to Grace Arscott at garscott@stesridgewood.org.
Altar Flower Memorials
Help beautify our worship space by dedicating altar flowers in honor or memory of a loved one. Each arrangement is $35. Click the button below to make your donation and submit your dedication.